Why are my calories burned 0?

Fitlist calculates calorie burned in two scenarios:

For cardio exercises

If you are tracking a cardio exercise (running, cycling etc) and your calories burned is calculated to be 0, check to make sure you have your weight populated in your profile. Weight is required to calculate caloric burn.

When you use the Apple Watch to track your workout

If you track your workout using your Apple Watch, Fitlist will use the caloric calculations provided by your Apple Watch for the duration of your workout.

When does Fitlist not calculate calories?

Any strength exercises logged on your phone will not have calorie burn calculated. Caloric burn can only be calculated accurately if a specific cardio exercise is done or heart rate is tracked throughout a workout. Exercises like dumbbell curls do not have a standardized method of evaluating caloric burn. Thus Fitlist (and any fitness app) can only calculate calorie burn for cardio or using the Apple Watch.

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